You can now watch the films we made about the cruise online!
We have made a 15 minute documentary which you can watch here: A Drop in the Southern Ocean the Movie
as well as a shorter 'promo' film: DIMES promo
Welcome aboard the 2014 DIMES ocean research voyage: Antarctica to South America
Friday, 25 July 2014
Thursday, 12 June 2014
Post-cruise update!
It has been a month
now since we got back to the UK from the cruise. My first thought on
coming back was ‘Everything is so green’! We have all been
working hard to process and understand the data collected during the
cruise and readjust to life back on dry land.
The last week of
science was pretty full on! We had lots of CTDs to sample, samples to
run, drifters and floats to release, huge cruise reports to write...
all with the building excitement of approaching land!
Kim and Heather still enjoy sampling! |
We released a load
of drifters as we passed through Shag Rocks Passage. These are big
round floats attached to a drough which catch in the currents and
track where they flow. We all got very excited decorating and naming
the drifters and look forward to following our ones as they travel
through the ocean over the next couple of years. If you want to find
out more have a look here:
Andrew with the drifter he named for his wife (photo by Kim) |
A drifter carefully being released into the ocean (photo by Ellen)
Things stayed hectic
when we arrived in Stanley, our last port of call. We were trying to
finish the science and ‘demob’ - packing everything up, sorting
out Bill of Ladings (official shipping documents) and figure out what
would get shipped and what would fly home. It was quite an emotional
time as well; everyone was so excited to be back on dry land, heading
home, but also sad to be parting ways with all the amazing people we
had been working so closely with. Stanley is a lovely wee town which
we had fun exploring; making times to stretch our legs on glorious
solid ground and spend all our savings on penguin souvenirs.
Here are a few
numbers from the cruise;
- 1840 DIMES tracer samples analysed (not counting duplicates or standards!)
- 1036 CFC samples collected for analysis back in the UK
- 119 CTD casts
- 135 hydrographic stations
- 29 amazing crew
- 22 spectacular scientists and technicians
- 52 days
….And so much fun!
There are definitely a few things I don’t miss about being at sea (12 hour shifts is certainly one of them!) however I do miss the camaraderie of the cruise. It is really quite a special experience working closely with a group of lovely folk who are similarly enthused and motivated, all working towards the same grand goal.
Here is something to
look out for; Katy and I are nearly finished the documentary film we
are making about the cruise!
Guest post from Pete our friendly IT guy!
name is Pete Lens and I am computing support for this science cruise.
I’ve been working for BAS for 17 years having wintered at Halley
and Signy bases and enjoyed many science cruises to the Antarctic and
Arctic. My main work is in Cambridge as Head of Windows Systems, but
for 2 months of the year I could be on a ship or research base
enjoying the wildlife and icebergs, but also making sure the
scientists and other support staff have the computing resources they
need for their work.
Pete at Gull Lake on South Georgia |
what does that entail? For the scientists it’s all about the data.
The ship is flooded with cabling and instruments carrying sensors and
most of them terminate at a central computer which handles data
acquisition. Each piece of data is logged and given a timestamp and
can then be retransmitted to other instruments as an input.
instruments can produce data at very high speeds but the central
logging system has a resolution of 1 second. Even at that slow rate,
large files will be produced by the end of a 2 month cruise. There
are many monitoring tools checking the quality and existence of the
data and if it stops flowing then I am called, night or day. I am
also involved with the processing and presentation, on hand to
demonstrate how to use scripts or write new ones if required.
Thankfully, most students will come armed with knowledge of tools
such as ArcGIS, matlab, R and Python.
of my favourite systems on board is the multibeam echo sounder which
can produce a 3D map of the seabed. Instead of a single ping like a
submarine, it produces a phased burst of energy into the water every
few seconds, depending on depth. It then listens to the returned
sound and does some serious maths to produce a rolling picture of the
sea floor. It’s incredible to see mountain ranges or deep ocean
snaking riverbeds which are thousands of metres below us.
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Example echo sounder image |
course, it’s not entirely about the science as there are plenty of
administration systems as well. Everyone needs an account and
personal space for storing data, access to printers, scanners, wifi,
web, wiki, applications, anti-virus, security patches. The same stuff
required if you’re running a network of 10 people or 10,000.
IT staff on the James Clark Ross have to be innovative and flexible.
Every day there is something new to learn and everyday there’s the
chance of looking out of the window at a pod of whales or something
equally amazing. As a job, this is just about as good as it gets…
is my first trip away since becoming a Dad and Hal has just learnt
his first few words, one of them being “no” so I think Suzy has
some explaining to do. Please get in touch if you would like more
information on the ships systems or base/ship life. I’m always
happy to help.
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
We found an enormous 0.1 fM of tracer up in the Argentine Basin! Exciting times indeed!
We are now working our way along the North Scotia Ridge and on the home straight to Stanley. At the moment we are doing a series of stations in Shag Rocks Passage, a deep channel in the ridge where the polar front squeezes through to meander its way north east. We are doing lots of CTDs in the passage so everything is pretty full on at the moment. When the stations are this close together we only just have time to take our samples from the rosette before it needs to go back in the water for the next CTD cast. Its also blowing a brisk 30 knots, and the sea is picking up.... Things are a little too hectic to write properly now.... but in my next spare moment I will fill you in on all the excitement of drifters, Argo floats, and samples, samples, samples!!
We are now working our way along the North Scotia Ridge and on the home straight to Stanley. At the moment we are doing a series of stations in Shag Rocks Passage, a deep channel in the ridge where the polar front squeezes through to meander its way north east. We are doing lots of CTDs in the passage so everything is pretty full on at the moment. When the stations are this close together we only just have time to take our samples from the rosette before it needs to go back in the water for the next CTD cast. Its also blowing a brisk 30 knots, and the sea is picking up.... Things are a little too hectic to write properly now.... but in my next spare moment I will fill you in on all the excitement of drifters, Argo floats, and samples, samples, samples!!
Tuesday, 22 April 2014
Life on board the RRS James Clark Ross
So far, we've blogged lots about the science we've gotten up to on the research cruise, but of course half of our time is spent, sleeping, eating and relaxing. So here's a little bit about life outside of work on the JCR.
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Rich, the purser / photographer |
First of all we should mention Rich who is the purser of the JCR. The purser is in charge of things like supplies, accounts and generally looking after us and the ship. Rich used to be a chef in hotels in the North-East of England, before working as a chef at the BAS research station Halley for 4 years. Alongside keeping an eye on things and generally making us feel at home, Rich is often seen round the ship taking amazing photographs….many of which have ended up on this blog. Check out his webpage at:
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Typical menu - yum! |
Meals are held in the 'Officer and Scientists Dining Saloon' which has lovely views across the bow of the ship. Dinner is a rather formal affair; men must wear a collared shirt, no trainers or jeans allowed and women must be similarly smart. We all have personalised napkin rings and large portraits of the Queen and Philip hang on the wall.
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The dining saloon |
However, if you are on shift and don't have time to get prettied up for dinner then you can eat in the Duty Mess, which has a much more informal atmosphere. Tea, coffee and snacks can also be found here at all hours. In the galley we are spoilt by the talented Sam and John, two excellent chefs who feed us very well indeed... Big cooked breakfasts, three course lunches and five course dinners (pass the cheese board!). It is a good thing working at sea is quite a physical job or we would all be disembarking twice our usual size! We also have four Stewards who assist in the galley, serve meals and clean the communal areas.
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The scientists lounge |
The Officer and Scientists Lounge is another place you can fill your boots with cups of tea and snacks. This is a lovely relaxing space with a darts board (fun in rough weather), board games, ping pong, music, and a well stocked bar. Ellen (our unofficial events coordinator) organises the occasional 'pub quiz' here and we use the projector to show films in the evenings.
One of our favourite pastimes is to climb all the way up to the top of the ship, the 'Monkey Island', to watch for wildlife, take in the horizon and get a blast of fresh air. On clear nights this is also a popular destination; we will all wrap up in lots of cosy layers and spend time out here stargazing.
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Enjoying the views on the Monkey Island |
There is a gym with a rowing machine, cross-trainer, bike and step-machine where we can burn off those extra calories from 2nd helpings of desert. The rolling of the ship sometimes makes this extra challenging! The ship also has a small surgery where you can find Hazel, the ship's doctor. I am happy to report that she has been very bored during the cruise and her expertise has not been needed!
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The UIC |
When we are on shift but (but not sampling or running instruments in the lab spaces) we spend most of our time in the UIC (Underway Instrumentation Control room). The UIC has panoramic views, email (but not internet) access, lots of desk space and is where CTD and other hydrographic operations are run from. Below the UIC is a warren of labs: the 'Wet-lab' where the VMP was set up; the 'Main lab' which is where we measure the tracer; other smaller lab spaces for the Salinometer (to measure salinity), measuring oxygen, barium, carbon and nutrient samples and the 'water bottle annex' where the CTD comes in and we collect our samples.
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A cabin |
On this cruise we are lucky enough to all have a cabin to ourselves. Each cabin has 2 or 4 bunks, desk, wardrobe, en-suite shower room and (of course) a sea view. So, staying on the JCR is like moving into a very friendly hotel that takes you to amazing places….and works you very hard!
Saturday, 19 April 2014
Foggy tracer hunting
(Thursday 17th April)
Our wee jaunt up into the Argentine Basin has been pretty successful so
far! We have found higher concentrations of our tracer here than we have
found throughout the rest of our cruise. Concentrations are a staggering
0.03 fM (fM = Moles x10^-15.... so the highest concentrations we have
found are 0.00000000000000003 Moles!).
The CTD is going down as I write this, we have have 6014 m of water
beneath us before the sea floor! These are the deepest CTDs of the
cruise and it takes about an 1 hour 40 minutes for the CTD to travel
down to the bottom. The density layer where we find our tracer sits at
about 1000 m.... but it is still interesting to send the CTD down the
full depth and see what the other parameters are like near the seabed.
Yesterday was very foggy, with absolutely nothing to see but a wall of
grey beyond the waves just around the ship. Today dawned bright and
sunny.... but quite rough again. The swell is nowhere near as big as the
other day, but we steam into it at 12 knots, which makes for a bit of a
bumpy ride!
Highlight of the day - Hugh spotted a sei whale!
Our wee jaunt up into the Argentine Basin has been pretty successful so
far! We have found higher concentrations of our tracer here than we have
found throughout the rest of our cruise. Concentrations are a staggering
0.03 fM (fM = Moles x10^-15.... so the highest concentrations we have
found are 0.00000000000000003 Moles!).
The CTD is going down as I write this, we have have 6014 m of water
beneath us before the sea floor! These are the deepest CTDs of the
cruise and it takes about an 1 hour 40 minutes for the CTD to travel
down to the bottom. The density layer where we find our tracer sits at
about 1000 m.... but it is still interesting to send the CTD down the
full depth and see what the other parameters are like near the seabed.
Yesterday was very foggy, with absolutely nothing to see but a wall of
grey beyond the waves just around the ship. Today dawned bright and
sunny.... but quite rough again. The swell is nowhere near as big as the
other day, but we steam into it at 12 knots, which makes for a bit of a
bumpy ride!
Highlight of the day - Hugh spotted a sei whale!
Thursday, 17 April 2014
CTD Explained!
(post by Ollie)
Most of the work we do on-board revolves around an
instrument package called the CTD, which we lower from the ship to the seabed.
I wanted to write a bit about how we use the CTD because the data collected
from it underpins the majority of the science we do. The CTD is a collection of
sensors surrounded by a ring of bottles for sampling water. CTD stands for
Conductivity (used to measure the saltiness of the water), Temperature and
Depth. Most research cruises are structured around a series of sites, called
stations, where the ship stops and the CTD is lowered through the water. The
location of these stations depends on the scientific targets and often repeats
previous cruises so that we can look at changes over time.
The various sensors collect the conductivity, temperature
and depth data continuously as the CTD descends and ascends, and wealso close
the bottles at depths of our choice to trap water and bring it back onboard the
ship. Once the CTD is back on deck a team of dedicated and beautiful samplers
tap off water into smaller bottles. On this cruise we are taking water samples
to measure concentrations of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), carbon, the DIMES
tracer, oxygen, nutrients, barium and the salinity.
The CTD returns from the deep with its precious cargo of water
Photo by Mike Boniface
The screenshot below shows a typical profile of data that
has been collected on the CTD’s journey through the water. Depth (from the surface
to 4000m) is on the vertical axis. To put this in perspective, think of
somewhere 4 kilometres or 2.5 miles from where you are now and imagine that
distance vertically – that’s a lot of water. The coloured lines represent some
of the variables that are measured continuously by the sensors on the CTD.
Shown here are temperature (red), salinity (blue) and dissolved oxygen (yellow).
The green line is fluorescence, which tells us about how much algae are
photosynthesising. Ocean water isn’t all one homogenous mixture. Instead,
different parts have different properties depending on when and where they
formed. We call these different bodies of water ‘water masses’.
As the CTD descends we watch the coloured wiggly lines appear on the screen which allows us to identify different water masses and decide where we want to sample water from. Then, on the way up, the winch operator stops the CTD at the desired depths and we send signals down the cable to close the bottles. The dashed orange lines show where the bottles have been closed on the way up. Why do you think it’s a bad idea to close the bottles on the way down!?
For a bit of detail about why the wiggly lines wiggle as
they do at this particular station see the panel below. Remember, this is just
one station (station number 55 in the south east Scotia Sea) – the profiles
look different in different places and at different times of year.
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